The Department of Anthropology is part of the College of Liberal & Creative Arts, and the College has a wide range of resources that can be of help to Anthropology students. College resources include advising, computing, facilities, publications and the student resource center. Here is a compilation of campus resources related to advising, programs, petitions, basic needs, facilities and more.
Version 3.4, prepared 8/4/2020 by C. Wilczak
The Department of Anthropology faculty developed this handbook to help you improve your writing, identify, writing resources and to provide you with a consistent set of expectations for written assignments in your anthropology classes.
San Francisco State University's general education requirements for written English proficiency (composition and GWAR) are the starting points for honing your writing skills, and your online OASIS training (which you must take in your first semester) provides the foundations for academic research.
Yet even after meeting these requirements, most of you will need to continue actively working on your writing to achieve or maintain proficiency.
By practicing the writing techniques and using the recommended sources described in this handbook, you will improve the written communication skills that are essential to excelling academically.
Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC): Advising services for all undergraduate students
Advising Hub: If you are looking for a resource center, information about probation or advising for your first semester
Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC): Wide array of tutoring services
Educational Opportunity & Pathway Programs (EOPP): Admissions, academic, financial and personal support; on-going advising, tutoring, peer mentoring and developmental workshops
Gator Smart Start: Partners with local high schools, incoming students, and current SF State Gators to ensure students excel in their English composition (writing) and quantitative reasoning (math) courses
Food+Shelter+Success: Housing, food and other basic needs resources for all students
Gator Groceries: Resources intended to address food insecurity needs for students
Providing Assistance To Housing Solutions (PATHS): Assists SF State students work towards housing stabilization
The following forms and petitions, and more, can be found on the Registrar's website.
Please follow all instructions as shown on the specific form.
Academic Probation Hold Clearance Form – For removal of academic probation hold, once GPA has been brought to a minimum 2.0
Exceed Max Units – To enroll in 20 units or more during the fall and spring semester
Independent Study (699/899) – For eligible students to receive approval for independent study
Waiver of College Regulations – Waivers for various issues such as adding a course already repeated, late add of course for current semester and late graduation application
Change of Grade – Request to change letter grade or incomplete grade
Change of Major or Minor – Submit online requests to change your major or minor for fast and convenient service
Withdrawals – Current-semester withdrawals are handled electronically and only after the last day to drop has passed. Click the link to see the acceptable and non-acceptable reasons for current-semester withdrawal
Computer Facilities
SF State email accounts are available for all Anthropology students as are accounts on the university computers for research purposes. The Department of Anthropology has a visual anthropology lab Fine Arts building, room 532 available for students taking Visual Anthropology courses. In addition, the University maintains numerous computer laboratories that student’s have access to.
The Study Lounge
The department office (Fine Arts building, room 525) also has several couches and eating areas for students to meet up and study. Here students can find books and journals and materials related to course work. In addition, the lounge serves as a facility for faculty and student meetings, and for special events. It can be reserved for special meetings and programs, and students wishing to do so should contact the Anthropology Office (
Laboratory Facilities
The Department of Anthropology maintains two laboratories for human biological studies and for methodological training in archaeology. The laboratory is located in Fine Arts building, rooms 544 and 538 and contains human and non-human osteology materials, hominid fossil cast collections, as well as equipment for a wide range of anthropological investigations. The department laboratory facilities also include the Bioanthropology Laboratory (a dedicated research laboratory for human skeletal research).
Visual Anthropology Lab
Anthropology has a state-of-the-art digital video editing la in the Fine Arts building, room 532. Two Mac-based workstations with high-resolution monitors allow Visual Anthropology students to receive professional training while they help one another develop a critical eye.
Counseling and Psychological Services: Support services, crisis intervention resources, faculty training, etc.
Health Promotion and Wellness: Campus health initiatives and programming
The SAFE Place: Crisis intervention, advocacy and confidential Title IX support for survivors dealing with past or recent incidents of sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, sexual harassment and/or stalking
Safe Zone: Campus network of LGBTQ allies
University Police Department (UPD): Call 911 in any emergency. Visit website for non-emergency details and resources
Student Health Services: Provides accessible and low–cost quality health care to all SF State students
Campus Recreation: Access to the Mashouf Wellness Center is included in student fees
SF State Resources
At the larger level of the University, all students have an extensive network of support and advice and this ranges from counseling to study abroad programs to health services and academic assistance. The key web pages that most students need are as follows:
- Associated Students
- Cesar Chavez Student Center
- Housing
- Office of the Registrars
- Office of Student Affairs
- Student forms
- SF State Bulletin
SF State Mobile App: Check grades, register for classes, access course information, check the food truck schedule and much more
Clubs and Groups: View a list of student clubs and groups within the college
Title IX: Promoting gender equity and preventing sexual harassment/sexual violence
Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC): Resources and services for students with disabilities and other needs
J. Paul Leonard Library: Computer labs with printers, study rooms, laptop rentals and more
SF State Experimental College: Promoting student-run, co-learning environments
OneCard/Gator Pass: Functions as your identification card, public transportation discounts, etc.
Veteran Services: Veteran benefits and services
Office of Student Financial Aid: Estimated tuition rates
Dream Resource Center: Support services for undocumented students
Gator Connect: Networking and professional mentorship
Student Employment: On-Campus student employment & federal work study
California Resources
Across California there are many learned associations and local and state government agencies of interest or use to SF State Anthropology students. In addition, San Francisco and the Bay Area are home to a phenomenal concentration of educational institutions and cultural centers. Follow the underlined link for a list of resources and links.
- Anthropology dept of UC Berkeley
- Anthropology dept of Standford
- Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
- UCLA Anthropology Association
Ur-List in Visual Anthropology: Peter Biella maintains the most complete compilation of websites dedicated to the field.
National and International Resources
At the national level, Anthropology students should become aware of the existence, benefits, and resources available from the the major professional associations that represent Anthropology as a discipline. On a larger scale, there are international associations to which students are directed for information and support. Follow the underlined link for a list of resources and links.

Student Resources at SF State
Many of the resources available to students at SF State are listed on this resource site.