Mark Griffin
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Ph.D., Purdue University, 1993
Interests: Skeletal Biology, Dental Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology
I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in bioanthropology. My area of research is human skeletal biology. My research has focused on the bioarchaeology and population distance studies of Native American populations from the proto-contact period of the southeast US and the pre-contact period of Central California.
Mark has been at SF State since 1998. Before coming to SF State he taught at Minnesota State University, Moorhead (1994-1998), Indiana University (1992-1994), and Purdue University (1991-1992). He earned my Ph.D. from Purdue University in 1993 (dissertation: Morphological Variation of the Late Precontact and Contact Period Guale) where he studied under Clark Larsen and Richard Blanton. Mark's M.A. (1989) is from Northern Illinois University (thesis: Dental Variation of Native Populations from Northern Spanish Florida) where he studied under Clark Larsen and Dan Gebo, and his B.A. (1985) is from University of North Carolina where he studied under R. Dale McCall.
Some Recent Publications
Larsen, Clark Spencer, Dale L. Hutchinson, Christopher M. Stojanowski, Matthew A. Williamson, Mark C. Griffin, Scott W. Simpson, Christopher B. Ruff, Margaret J. Schoeninger, Lynette Norr, and Mark F. Teaford, Elizabeth Monahan Driscoll, Christopher W. Schmidt, and Tiffiny A. Tung. 2007. “Health and Lifestyle in Georgia and Florida: Agricultural Origins and Intensification in Regional Perspective,” in Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification. Edited by Mark N. Cohen and Gillian Crane-Kramer, pp. 20-34. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
Griffin, Mark C., Kathryn Entriken, Julie Hodel, and Theresia C. Weston.
2006. Osteological analysis of the human skeletal remains from the Filoli Site, San Mateo County, California (CA-SMA-125). Society for California Archaeology Newsletter 40(1):32-35.
Larsen, C.S., A.W. Crosby, M.C. Griffin, D.L. Hutchinson, C.B. Ruff, K.F.
Russell, M.J. Schoeninger, L.E. Sering, S.W. Simpson, J.L. Takács, and M.F. Teaford. 2002. "A biohistory of health and behavior in the Georgia Bight: The agricultural transition and the impact of European contact," in The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere, Volume I. Edited by Richard H. Steckel and Jerome C. Rose, pp. 406-439. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press.
Griffin, Mark C., Patricia M. Lambert, and Elizabeth Monahan Driscoll. 2001.
"Biological relationships and population history of native peoples in Spanish Florida and the American Southeast," in Bioarchaeology of La Florida: The Impact of Colonialism. Edited by Clark Spencer Larsen, pp. 226-273. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida.
Larsen, Clark Spencer, Mark C. Griffin, Dale L. Hutchinson, Vivian E. Noble,
Lynette Norr, Robert F. Pastor, Christopher B. Ruff, Katherine F. Russell, Margaret J. Schoeninger, Michael Schultz, Scott W. Simpson, and Mark F. Teaford. 2001. Frontiers of Contact: Bioarchaeology of Spanish Florida. Journal of World Prehistory 15(1):69-123.
Larsen, Clark Spencer, Christopher B. Ruff, and Mark C. Griffin. 1996.
"Implications of changing biomechanical and nutritional environments for activity and lifeway in the eastern Spanish borderlands," in Bioarchaeology of Native American Adaptation in the Spanish Borderlands. Edited by Brenda J. Baker and Lisa L. Kealhofer, pp. 95-125. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press.
Larsen, Clark Spencer, Rebecca Shavit, and Mark C. Griffin. 1991. "Dental
caries evidence for dietary change: An archaeological context," in Advances in Dental Anthropology. Edited by Marc A. Kelley and Clark Spencer Larsen, pp. 179-202. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc.